We all as human beings have experienced telepathy at one point or another. Perhaps you were thinking of someone you haven't spoken to in months and all of a sudden you get a phone call from them. Another example is when two people are together and they may say the same thing at exactly the same time. These are example's of mind-to-mind communications that happen in life. Sometimes telepathy occurs between close related people.
This article will go through the steps needed to practice telepathy. Here are the steps:
1. Sender and Receiver
You will need one other person. One person will be the sender (they will transmit the thoughts) while the other will be the receiver (they will receive the thoughts transmitted from the sender). Before you begin this experiment, figure out who will be the sender and the receiver. Avoid the confusion off you both ending up being the receiver or the sender.
In thus article, let's decide that you are the sender.
2. Belief
Now make sure that both the sender (you) and the receiver both believe that telepathy is for real. Try to have an open mind even if you don't believe it completely. Also, it's best that both of you not only believe in telepathy, but also desire deeply to have it happen. If you are a disbeliever and the "doors" of your mind are closed you will get very poor results.
3. Physical Relaxation
Telepathy is at the height of its success when the sender and receiver are both completely relaxed physically. being in good health helps you concentrate better too. So try not to practice when you are sick.
Try and relax your body using any method you see fit. You can either breathe deeply or use the progressive relaxation method.
4. Mental Relaxation
Clear your head of any unwanted thinking. Have your mind be completely tranquil. Let your thoughts come and go, but don't get attached to things, learn to let go. Focus on your purpose. If you are the sender, your focus should be to send your thoughts over to the other person. The reliever should focus their mind on being open and receptive to the thoughts of the sender. Be sure that both of you do not have any distractions around. A loud and obnoxious environment will be bad for your progress. A calm and peaceful environment will give maximum results.
5. Visualization
Before you begin the transmission, it is important that the previous steps be followed well. These steps will set up the foundation for your success. Now close your eyes and try and visualize a very vivid picture of the receiver. Try to imagine that they are a few facts away from you. Think and visualize them in complete color. Feel that they are really there. If it will help, take a look at a picture of them before the experiments. This will help you visualize them completely.
Now imagine a tube connecting your mind and their mind together. The tube is for the channel that your thoughts will be communicating to them. Think of this tube to be completely filled with energy. You have to know that this tube will be very effective and will help you with this experiment.
Visualize the tube is not a requirement. It's just something that is helpful for you to focus and gives your thoughts a well defined direction. If you don't want to use the tube, think of you talking on the phone to your other friend.
6. Transmission
Now think or imagine that your energy or thoughts are being transmitted through that tube. It will go from your mind to the receivers mind. If you are picturing an apple in your head, visualize a big red juicy apple across the tube. Try to make the apple as detailed as possible. Believe that telepathy is real and charge the apple with the emotion. Make your thoughts reach your partner. Just think about the emotion you will have when you complete the task. Emotion is a very important factor in this experiment. Many telepathy experiments don';t succeed because the message lacks emotion.
Just make sure you do not hurt yourself to send the message. Just be easy and alert.
7. When to Stop
When you are sending your thoughts to your partner there is going to be a feeling that your thought has transmitted. This is really an unmistakable feeling that can;t be undone. When you get this feeling you got your message across. This may take a few seconds up to several minutes. If after 15 minutes you don't think you have succeeded just let it go and try again later. If you try even further your brain will be to tired.
8. The Receiver
During this little experiment, thee receiver needs to keep their mind completely blank and try to receive the thoughts being sent. The key is not trying too hard. If you force yourself to sense what the sender is thinking the whole experiment will be sabotaged. The mind will be most receptive when it is at eased and relaxed.
The receiver will get a number of impressions in their mind. Keep a pen and paper or a computer next to you and jot down the thoughts that come to your head. The receiver will probably think that they are making things up and that's fine because that is how telepathy works.
9. Compare Results
When you are done with your experiments it's time to share your results. Look at all the impressions that the receiver has written. If it contains the thought that you tried to transmit than you are a success. The more you practice telepathy the more accurate the results will be.
10. Repeat
Repeat the experiment immediately or at a later date. If you have some success repeat it immediately if not, try again a little bit later. Daily practice is a must because repeat sessions will make you better.
You will need to alternate between being the sender and receiver. you may even start to discover if you are a better receiver or a sender.
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